Psychoanalytic Reading Group

A book and glass of wine , , ,

Group Administrators

Alison Thompson
Annie Pesskin

Group Info

If you are passionate about psychoanalytic ideas and enjoy discussing them in a friendly, informal setting then join our monthly Reading Group from the comfort of your own home!


What We Do

This Reading Group is a continuation of a conversation I started back in 2004 where I invite a psychoanalytic practitioner to come and share their wisdom.

Pre-Covid, we met once a month over a glass of wine in my consulting room in Soho, London.  One good thing to come out of the pandemic is my decision to throw open the doors of my Reading Group to every APPCIOS member, wherever you may be.  

Past luminaries to my group have included Betty Joseph, Ron Britton, Stephen Grosz, Don Campbell, Carine Minne, Edna O’Shaughnessy, Mary Target, David Bell, Neville Symington, Susie Orbach and many more.

How it Works

I invite the author to attend our Reading Group and you put the date in your diary. They send me a chapter of their new book or a relevant paper which you read in advance so that you can come to the evening with some knowledge of the author’s take on the world.  

Then, over a glass of your chosen tipple, for an hour and a half, you enjoy and contribute to our discussion of their book and hear something of their journey to their current situation. The idea is that this is not a lecture from the practitioner per se, but instead a lively and informed conversation between them, you and me.

I will hopefully prove a genial host and I hope the evening will leave you feeling inspired and nourished.  In gratitude you can make a donation to APPCIOS in the top right-hand corner of this webpage (£10 would be great, but of course that’s up to you). You can also buy our guest's book through online fulfillment via independent bookshops rather than amazon by clicking on the name in blue of the book below. 

I want you to feel that you are joining a safe and informal setting and hope that if terms come up which puzzle you in the course of our discussion that you will let me know in the zoom chat, so that I can help you expand your knowledge and build your confidence in thinking psychoanalytically. 

To attend a Reading Group please email me at so I can email you the chapter to read in advance as well as the relevant zoom link for the Reading Group.





Group Type:

Private Room


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