Newsletter December 2024


Authored on :
19/12/2024by :

Containing Groups

With all best wishes for the holidays and for 2025!

Welcome to the winter newsletter inviting all the members of the APPCIOS community to take advantage of the library resources, free discussion groups and member webinars made available to you.


APPCIOS has a free library open to all members of the community site. We are always updating the shelves with great papers, articles and videos of interest. Just go here to see a list of new arrivals.

Free Discussion Groups

Our free discussion groups are open to all members who have an account on the community site. To set up an account contact our Admin here.

Working in Schools Group run by Simon Goddard and Liz Beale is starting on 15th January 2025 and is a space where members who work in schools or other educational settings can come together and think psychodynamically about their organisation. For more information and to express interest follow this link.

A Space to Think We are in the process of restructuring this group and will update you with more information in due course. 

Film Discussion Group - run by Jackie Horsburgh supported by Susan McIver on the last Wednesday on every month from 7.30 to 8.45. If you are interested in joining send an email to Jackie Horsburgh for more information using the above link. 

Psychoanalytic Reading Group run by Annie Pesskin. You can find dates and authors for the next discussions by following this link.  

Reflective Practice group facilitated by Tony Burch runs on alternative Thursdays. For more information contact Tony Burch using the above link.

All discussion groups are listed here.     

Mentoring in APPCIOS

A big thank you to the team of mentors who support our newer members. The role of mentor is central to the supportive and developmental ethos at the heart of APPCIOS. All new members who enter at Associate Member and Senior Associate level are offered a mentor, often an experienced full or senior associate member. Our mentors offer their mentees a termly meeting, which is a reflective space to share experiences and explore ideas and possibilities for connection and development. If you think you would like to join the mentoring team, get in touch with Veronica O'Hare on for an informal chat.


Member Webinars

APPCIOS CPD webinars are for our paying members in particular for those looking to gain full membership and to progress on a path to organisational membership with the BPC. All of the member webinars are considered core webinars as part of the Psychodynamic Organisational Therapy Training provided by APPCIOS and count towards relevant portfolio experience. Information on joining APPCIOS is available here. You can find a full list of our webinars here.

Work Discussion Group run by Emma Higgs and Mark Waddington every Monday in term time between 2.30-4pm online. We have space for more members to join so please contact Emma Higgs or Mark Waddington for an initial discussion if you are interested in joining. 

Supervision Group for Parent Infant Psychotherapy run by Rosalind Field is inviting expressions of interest. This will be a psychodynamic supervision group for up to 4 clinicians already working within teams supporting parents and infants. 

Understanding Race From a Psychodynamic Perspective run by Trudy Darien and Devika Dhar is inviting expressions of interest.

Infant Observation run by Devika Dhar and Phil Faulkner webinar is a rolling programme and can be joined at the beginning of each term. Seminars are held on Thursdays 4pm-5.15pm and the process group runs fortnightly on Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm.

Observing Organisations run by Andrew Briggs for 10 weeks starting Wednesday 15th January 2025 from 8-9.15pm. Sign up here

Bion - The Individual in the Group and the Group in the Individual, a ten week webinar run by Andrew Briggs, inviting expressions of interest for the next series, contact Andrew through the above link.


Webinars in Development

Group Relations Conference we are in the process of organising our first Group Relations Conference which will be run on the 9th, 10th and 12th May 2025 and held online at a low fee to encourage attendance from APPCIOS members and affiliates. Please keep an eye out on the Community Site for more information on how to register. 

Clinical and Therapeutic Supervision we are in the process of developing two separate webinar series with a focus on supervision, the first aimed at clinical supervision and the second on therapeutic supervision, which is a specific element of organisational therapy. Keep an eye out for updates on each of the webinars on the Community Site in the new year.

Psychoanalytic Experiential Process Group provides a way of understanding yourself in groups, as an individual and as a member of the group itself. It has a therapeutic experiential element, which for trainee organisational therapists can replace individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy as a means of developing self reflective capacity. We are inviting expressions of interest please contact Aly Thomson for more information.



Free Winter Event: Stories Only The Body Can Tell, a half day webinar offered by Adrian Sutton on February 12th 2025 from 2-5pm, exploring somatic countertransference and where it can take us in understanding psychosomatic problems. To register contact Aly Thomson using the above link.


APPCIOS Top-Up Training

The APPCIOS top-up training leads to BPC registration as a psychodynamic psychotherapist. We are currently collecting expressions of interest for the new cohort of trainees. If you are an experienced psychoanalytic or psychotherapeutic practitioner who wishes to deepen and develop your clinical practice, broaden your client group and develop your capacity to work in a range of settings, in particular via Zoom, follow this link


A reminder that your CPD forms will be arriving in your inbox at the end of March

TAX - Claiming the APPCIOS subscription as an expense.

APPCIOS is now registered as an approved organisation with HMRC so that our members may claim their subscriptions as an expense.

Professional fees and subscriptions

You can claim tax relief on the following:

  • professional membership fees, if you must pay the fees to be able to do your job
  • annual subscriptions you pay to approved professional bodies or learned societies if being a member of that body or society is relevant to your job
  • You cannot claim tax relief on life membership subscriptions, or for professional membership fees or annual subscriptions which you:
  1. have not paid yourself (for example if your employer has paid for them)
  2. have paid to professional organisations that are not approved by HMRC
  3. You can claim for this tax year and the 4 previous tax years