Listed here are all available groups. Simply go to the group description page and you will see a link that will allow you to access the group or apply to join it if you are a registered user and not already a group member. If you are not a registered user and would like to be then why not apply to join here
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Work Discussion Group 2024
Enhanced Psychodynamic Work Discussion Group
Run by Mark Waddington & Emma Higgs
Starting 16th September 2024. Takes Place weekly on a Monday 2.30pm - 4pm during term time.
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Papers in development . . . please provide your comments.
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Living with a neurological illness – for people who have one and people who don’t
Living with a neurological illness – for people who have one and people who don’t
Led by Julia Segal
This webinar is not currently running
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Talking about How We Consult
Alternate Thursdays at 6.15 pm
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Leading to BPC registration as a psychodynamic psychotherapist.
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Understanding Race from a Psychodynamic Perspective
Facilitated by Trudy Darien and Devika Dhar
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Running an in-house APPCIOS-accredited training . . . .
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NEAPP Friends and Supporters
A Space for friends of the NEAPP.
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