Listed here are all available groups. Simply go to the group description page and you will see a link that will allow you to access the group or apply to join it if you are a registered user and not already a group member. If you are not a registered user and would like to be then why not apply to join here

Enter search criteria as required and click on 'Apply'

A Space to Think

Applying psychodynamic thinking to everyday life . . . .

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All about APPCIOS

The Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings

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APPCIOS Conference 2024

Sunday 29th September

10.00am - 4.00pm.

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APPCIOS Members Page

This is the way in for APPCIOS Members.

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BCA Conference 2023

We look forward to welcoming you to our annual conference

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Clinical and Therapeutic Supervision


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Film Discussion Group

Join our monthly film discussion group . . . 

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GiO Gehechtheid in Ontwikkeling

Gehechtheid in Ontwikkeling


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Observing Organisations

Observing Organisations

A 10-week Webinar

Expressions of interest are welcome!

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Psychoanalytic Experiential Process Group


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Psychoanalytic Reading Group

A welcoming and friendly group hosted by Annie Pesskin.

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Stories Only The Body Can Tell

Free half day webinar to be held on 12th February 2025


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